Tuesday, April 05, 2005

First Post!

OK, I have now started a blog on my home-improvement4u.com website. I discuss every topic relating to home improvement and I even setup a support forum where people can ask me all kinds of home improvement questions.

It's really been a lot of fun. I've been doing it for a few months now, adding articles, answering questions now and then. We haven't even started advertising for the site and people were starting to post questions.

I just added 11 articles on home maintenance. I've got a feeling that will be a very popular category. It features articles that cover things like fixing a slow drain, or holes in drywall. Each article covers a topic.

The main articles are on siding, roofing, kitchens, etc... They are much more comprehensive and much longer. I'll probably be reorganizing things a bit in the future, the files are really growing!

Check us out at http://www.home-improvement4u.com

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