Tuesday, November 01, 2005

New Image Upload Mod!

This is great news. For so long now users have had to describe what they are dealing with and not only is this sometimes tough to do, but it also leads to misunderstandings. I spent the evening updating my phpBB and adding a couple of mods so that now users can upload an image to a free image hosting server. That way they can take a picture or draw a picture and upload it for everybody to see. Works pretty nice. You can read about it and see a sample at http://www.home-improvement4u.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=89

I think I'll be adding somemore mods also, there's a list of pretty interesting features on the phpBB website.

I've been sick since last week, so no new articles yet, but I have been revamping the main site. We'll soon do away with having all the pages listed on the left. There are just so many articles, it's hard to see what's going on, so I'm redoing things so that you can only get from one page to the next by clicking a link at the bottom of the page.

Until next time, happy hammering.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

More Roofing Articles

Well, I've added some more roofing articles. You should now be able to pretty much go from ripping off your old roof, to paper, to shingles. All the way to the peak. This is, of course, only for a standard gable roof. Valleys and Hips are a bit more involved, but I'll get to them eventually. If you want to take a look at the articles, hop on over to http://www.home-improvement4u.com/roofing/

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Roofing - What fun.

Well, I finally got around to putting a bunch of roofing articles up on the website. Someone on the forum had asked about reroofing, so I put together a great how-to step-by-step that includes everything from removal to tar paper. It is not complete though, as I'll be covering things like how to get the shingles looking straight and even (something that novices often overlook). I'll also deal with valleys and peaks. I'll probably have those articles posted within a week.

Check out the articles and if you have any questions, post it in the forum!

Don't fall off!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Vinyl Siding Articles

For those that haven't checked out my vinyl siding articles, take a look at this http://www.home-improvement4u.com/siding/installing-vinyl.htm page. It features a step-by-step guide to every aspect of your siding project. Most people don't know that with a little inside knowledge, the average do-it-yourselfer can install their own siding.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Warehouse Reviews

I just added a new page which reviews different home improvement warehouses and lumber yards I've visited. I also did some articles on re-roofing. The forum is kinda slow lately. Hoping to generate some traffic soon though. I'd like to get about a thousand registered users and grow the thing so that other's come to offer advice. We'll see. Maybe Lowe's will even send me a big fat gift card for all the nice things I said about them in my review. http://www.home-improvement4u.com

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

In Alaska

I arrived in Anchorage yesterday. The weather is very pleasant here. The air is very clear. A nice change from Southern California. I was there for two weeks, half of which was out in the desert where pine trees were pumping pollen out into the air so fiercly that my eyes itched and I sneezed constantly. I thought Spring in California would be milder for me than Indiana, boy was I wrong!

Up here though, it's very nice. It's been in the 50's and 60's and the view is beautiful. I may be taking a plane ride and see more sights.

All this explaination just to tell you that's why there hasn't been much activity on the Home-Improvement4u.com web site. I've been on sort of a vacation for awhile. I'm attending meetings so it's not really a vacation, but I do get to take in the scenery and enjoy myself.

I'm working on more home maintenance articles, which I hope to post on the site this week.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

First Post!

OK, I have now started a blog on my home-improvement4u.com website. I discuss every topic relating to home improvement and I even setup a support forum where people can ask me all kinds of home improvement questions.

It's really been a lot of fun. I've been doing it for a few months now, adding articles, answering questions now and then. We haven't even started advertising for the site and people were starting to post questions.

I just added 11 articles on home maintenance. I've got a feeling that will be a very popular category. It features articles that cover things like fixing a slow drain, or holes in drywall. Each article covers a topic.

The main articles are on siding, roofing, kitchens, etc... They are much more comprehensive and much longer. I'll probably be reorganizing things a bit in the future, the files are really growing!

Check us out at http://www.home-improvement4u.com